Next Launch
March 14th
Covid-19 restrictions in place, Must pre register before attending by eMail at
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Weather Permitting - Check our Facebook group or Twitter for "day of" information.
SoJARS is now using a "stoplight" launch status system. A Green status means we are "Go" for launch. Yellow means there is a chance of cancellation on the field the morning of the launch. A Red status is an outright cancellation.
The best way to stay up to date on launches is the following procedure:
Check this website, Facebook, or Twitter the day before the launch for the expected status.
Check Facebook and Twitter the morning of the launch for the final status. Because this site cannot be edited from the field we must use social media sources.
If any launch is cancelled due to weather the rain date will be the following Sunday unless otherwise noted.
Downloadable Flight Card - Flight cards MUST be filled out to the best of your ability before each flight. You will not be allowed to fly without providing accurate information about your rocket to the launch controller.
2021 Launch Schedule
January 17 th
January 24th
February 28th
You must be a SoJARS member to participate in launches, however we continue to welcome guests, who may participate in one launch without charge. TARC teams are always welcomed. We do not collect a fee per launch, instead it is included in the price of your yearly membership.
SoJARS Membership is now $24.00 per year.
Click here to find out how to become a SoJARS member.
Launch Rules
1. Keep eyes and ears open. SAFETY FIRST!!!!
2. Watch your children - the launch site is a potentially dangerous area.
3. NO SMOKING around prep areas and launch areas.
4. Respect Landowner's rights and property. Leave the area cleaner than it was when you found it.
5. Obey all flight rules and all instructions of the Range Safety Officer (RSO) and Launch Control Officer (LCO). NAR regulations apply at all times.
6. Keep behind the caution tape and do not approach launch pads until the RSO / LCO gives the "all clear."
7. If a "Heads-Up" launch is announced, please stop what you are doing and watch the flight line.
8. Get a flight card from the RSO or registration table. Completely prep your rocket for flight (including engine, igniter, and wadding), fill out the card and bring both rocket and card to the RSO's table for inspection.
9. Inform the RSO if this is your rocket's first flight or if its an original design. This will be a "Heads-Up" flight.
10. All rockets must be approved by the RSO before flight. If your rocket passes inspection, the RSO will sign your card and give both back to you.
11. If the rocket fails the safety check, and you disagree with the RSO's decision, you may POLITELY make your case in "10 words or less", but PLEASE make it brief and do NOT argue. If you can't convince the RSO of your position, just smile and put the rocket back in the box.
12. Proceed to the LCO table with rocket and card. You will be assigned a launch pad. When the LCO says it's safe, take your rocket to the pad and get it ready for flight. If there is a countdown in progress on the opposite pad, stop what you are doing and pay attention until the rocket is away.