SoJARS - Meeting Schedule |
SoJARS MeetingsDuring SoJARS meetings, held every other month, members of the club assemble to first discuss matters of club business such as planning upcoming events, discussing recent launches, and organizing group trips and projects. After the business segment we sometimes follow with a presentation on any number of topics ranging from building techniques to rocketry history*, typically some talk of hobby related news, and very often a "show and tell" in which members bring their most recent projects. *Presentations can be given by any of our members and we are ALWAYS looking for volunteers! Everyone's got a unique skill set or collection of knowledge that they can share with their fellow rocketeers. Our next meeting is March 22 , 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Meets are now by Zoom meetings, contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it for link SoJARS meetings, unless specified otherwise, are always held the 4th Monday of every other month. 2021 Meeting Dates
March 22nd May 24th July 26th September 27th November 22nd |